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HomeTTATTA members want to be more sustainable, according to survey

TTA members want to be more sustainable, according to survey

TTA’s Sustainability Working Group has recently carried out a focussed qualitative survey of independent tiler fixers and contractors to find out their views on sustainability.

The questions covered installation waste, product and material usage, office and warehouse energy use, packaging waste, transport & logistics and business miles and fuel.

The results revealed all contributors were aware of the key subjects but had yet to make formal efforts to measure and evaluate their carbon footprint, and by doing so, develop improvements. Nonetheless, all companies surveyed were keen to find ways to improve.

One of the major concerns exposed by the survey is how tile and adhesive waste is disposed of or recycled. All participants either fitted in with the contractor’s waste system or, for smaller jobs, took waste directly to local refuse centres. Contractors either partly separated waste or disposed of it entirely in a general waste skip.

The Working Group believes that there is still a lot of work to do to help TTA members find the information and support the need to increase the amount of recycling they carry out and improve the sustainability position of the tiling industry as a whole. However, the willingness of individuals to begin making changes is a cause for optimism. David Kong, chair of the Sustainability Working Group, says that: “This has been a really interesting qualitative study.

The desire to be more sustainable was expressed by all those we spoke to.”

The Working Group is now investigating the waste processes and regulations that refuse centres are working to, ensuring that everyone in the supply chain is coordinating their efforts to reduce the amount of tiling waste that goes to landfill and increase the amount that is recycled. For 2024, the Working Group will be able to advise TTA members and the industry on best practices.

Helpful advice regarding ways to be more sustainable can be found on TTA’s new website at https://www.tiles.org.uk/sustainability/. TTA also encourages members to reach out with any information or questions they have and to find out how they can get involved at membership@tile.org.uk.

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