A recent survey from digital identity security vendors, ID Crypt Global, suggests 75% of people in the UK would feel safer and more comfortable allowing strangers, such as tradespeople and estate agents, into the home if their identity and credentials were available on a digital identity platform.
A person’s digital identity is made up of various pieces of personal information collected and stored online, according to ID Crypt. It’s estimated that 66% of people in the UK have a digital trail – personal data they have provided online – and it’s this information that is combined to create a digital ID.
For various online applications and services, the company says, many people are comfortable using their digital ID to fast-track the process. There are also real applications for digital identities which are now being explored. One such application would be a digital identity platform from which you can check and confirm the true identity of, for example, tradespeople or estate agents who are entering the home.
ID Crypt’s survey suggests that many homeowners would welcome such a system. According to the survey, 64% of people are concerned about allowing strangers such as electricians, estate agents and plumbers into the home.
60% say it’s concerning to think that such a person could, unbeknownst to the homeowner, have a criminal record, and 60% also say they’re concerned that the person might not actually be qualified to perform the task they’ve been hired to do.
Despite this, only half of people say they ask for ID before letting someone in, and only a quarter ask for proof of employment. CEO and founder of ID Crypt Global, Lauren Wilson-Smith, said:
“When it comes to proving our identity, we need systems that are as infallible as possible. A verifiable digital identity would offer that reliability and would mean that more people can be more confident about who they are letting into their home.”
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