Ceramic products are the first choice for projects seeking sustainability, Gres Panaria says. If the trend in construction is to preserve the environment, it’s vital to conscientiously save natural resources and think about materials capable of making construction sustainable. Thinking about sustainability is, nowadays, a challenge. We have to act quickly and effectively and the effort to minimise our footprint is, and will always be, a continuously changing mission.
The entire production process of the Love Tiles and Margres brands is designed and developed to avoid waste and preserve the environment. All this is done without compromising quality, design and cost-effectiveness of its coverings, the company says.
The brands’ commitment is shown in the careful, frequent monitoring of their production processes. The life cycle analysis of Love Tiles and Margres ceramic products is demonstrated through Environmental Product Declarations and in internationally recognised platforms such as the ECO Platform, which is also recognised by BRE Global (Building Research Establishment).
Regarding the sustainability of the company’s production process, its products are fired in kilns 100/150 metres long and using natural gas, reportedly considered a cleaner energy as far as the thermal process is concerned.
Another of the company’s commitments is to optimise the energy process and reduce natural resources in the manufacture of its products. One of the best examples is the reincorporation of ceramic shards as a raw material through appropriate reprocessing and adjustment.
Intelligent, efficient and responsible use of water resources is carried out in the Gres Panaria’s industrial water treatment and reuse plants (ETARIs) the company says. Water treatment enables not only the recovery and recycling of water, but also its reincorporation in the production process.
The company’s plastic packaging is manufactured with more than 30% recycled material while its cardboard packaging is FSC-certified.
Finally, certification is key for its brands. “Our commitment and proactiveness towards the environment is attested by our EMAS registration and ISO 14001 certification, which provide us with monitorisation of processes and reduction of the impact on the environment,” the company says.
Knowledge of resource consumption and environmental impact enables the company to implement measures that optimise the use of resources in line with the principles of the circular economy.