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Eczacıbaşı Building Products – Tiles Sustainability

Our sustainability journey is based on the principle of being responsible corporate citizens. We focus on creating economic value, improving social welfare, and reducing natural resource consumption. We operate by identifying the impact of our actions on sustainable development and by identifying the risk and opportunities in the context of our stakeholders’ expectations.

About two hundred managers from Eczacıbaşı Holding and Group companies met with around fifty external stakeholders to collaborate on an assessment of sustainability priorities. We used this collaboration to take a deep dive into the impact of environmental, social, economic issues, to discuss the mega risk trends associated with sustainable development as well as to review the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The final report was prepared with contributions from around one hundred Group employees and senior management, and it sets out the Group’s Sustainability Priorities and the SDGs that we will focus on going forward.

We prepared Eczacıbaşı Construction Products – Tiles’ sustainability action plan including our prioritization analysis under the aegis of our parent Eczacıbaşı Holding and strengthened our operations

We direct Group resources to those investments that will generate value for our community in accordance with long-term goals and strategies. Our management philosophy is based on “respect for human beings.” We consider it both our right and our duty to develop ourselves to the fullest extent possible. We carry within us a spirit of pioneering entrepreneurship that is open to change and new possibilities globally. We have a long and deeply founded tradition of innovating in our undertakings.

More details, please check our sustainability report from link below. Link: https://img-vitra-global.mncdn.com/UPLOAD/Kataloglar/EczacibasiBuildingProduct-Tiles%20Sustainability%20Report%202021.pdf

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