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Instarmac named as one of the best manufacturers in the UK

In November, Instarmac tuned in to Best Companies Live and was “overwhelmed” to discover it had been awarded with a 2 Star Accreditation and had placed number 6 in Manufacturing’s Top 25 Best Companies in the UK.

“Every year businesses from all sectors vie to become a Best Company to Work For,” Instarmac said. “Only those who show a deep commitment to employee engagement, happiness and development find themselves in one of the highly coveted league tables.”

This year, 2.5 million people were recorded as working within the manufacturing sector and in 2021, turnover of employees was documented as 39.9%. Instarmac says it takes employee engagement seriously, and with that in mind, is delighted to report that its turnover for the reporting period was just 11% – significantly below the benchmark for the manufacturing sector.

“Ensuring our employees are highly engaged remains one of our most important tasks. Our people need to feel their contribution is valued, their views our sought, they feel proud to be part of Instarmac Group plc, and its future, and that we live our values ‘Work Hard, Have Fun, Make a Difference’ every day. Here at Instarmac employees have a voice and are listened to. We support employee wellbeing, reward hard work and performance, and nurture skills for the future,” said Mark Shorrock, managing director at Instarmac.

Excellence in the workplace is something to be celebrated, the company says, and that was certainly the feeling at Instarmac after it was recognised in three separate ‘Best Companies to Work For’ league tables.

On top of its performance in the manufacturing league table, the Staffordshire-based company also placed 78 in The UK’s 100 Best Mid-Sized Companies and number 34 in The West Midlands’ 100 Best Companies.

“There are many reasons why Instarmac employees are productive, engaged, happy and secure,” the company said. “In 2022 alone, Instarmac have added a cost of living bonus to help with rising household bills, Income Protection and additional health and wellbeing services to their already extensive list of employee benefits.”

Instarmac has also introduced an extensive leadership training programme and has continued with its much-loved “foodie” days, quizzes and prize draws.

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