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Sean McPheat on business partnerships

A 2019 survey by Gartner interviewed over 2,000 buyers and sellers to ascertain what they found to be the best way to establish a partnership mindset with client businesses.

Their results centred around three strategies carried out by both buyers and sellers, with one strategy coming out on top.

The first strategy sellers used was called ‘the givers’. They gave full, comprehensive information about products and services, and responded quickly to the client’s need for information.

The second strategy was called ‘the tellers’. These sellers used their experience and sales tactics to inform the client what they needed, sharing their own perspectives on matters pertaining to the desires of the client.

It was the third strategy – found to be the most effective – was termed ‘the sense-makers’. Words used to describe this strategy included guiding, assisting, prioritising, simplifying, and making sense.
This strategy enables clients and prospects to make decisions based on the confidence they have in a supplier. This can effectively come from the supplier making sense of the incredible amount of information that is available to buyers. This entails taking the buyer on a learning journey, empowering them to come up with decisions that make sense to them. By helping clients in this way you can achieve a number of things:

  • You help them sift through the amalgam of information to find the most relevant stuff
  • The buyer sees you as a real help in determining what should be done
  • You speed up the decision-making process
  • Trust is built up, as they see you no longer pushing products but partnering with them
  • The emphasis is on the benefits of making decisions
  • The focus on future results, rather than current price issues or other objections
  • It makes you look professional and helpful

Gartner’s studies showed how valuable you can become as you assist the buyer in making sense of all the information out there. You can quickly establish a business partnership with them, becoming someone trustworthy and valuable both now and in the future. Happy selling!

Sean McPheat is Managing Director of MTD Training.
For information call 0800 849 6732 or visit www.mtdsalestraining.com.

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