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FILA Products Certified Indoor Air Comfort Gold Standard!

What is Indoor Air Comfort Gold?

A well-established method of demonstrating compliance with low VOC emission criteria in Europe is the Indoor Air Comfort Gold product certification. Governed by Eurofins Scientific, the group offers over 200,000 analytical methods for evaluating biological substances and products for their safety, identity, authenticity, and origin.

This gold seal signifies compliance and safety regarding any emissions from products. At FILA, ours is the first Italian range in our sector to be awarded this prestigious label, which is a huge milestone for our surface care brand.

The benefits of Indoor Air Comfort Gold-certified products

  • Better construction opportunities – Gold-certified products are directly accepted as proof of LEED and BREEAM certification.
  • Our products are demonstrated to be risk-free – this means they are always tested against the latest requirements, so they are always current, and they pose no health risks.

  • A five-year label provides peace of mind – if annual inspections and VOC tests are performed, the certificate remains valid for five years. Certificates and contractors can also be updated quickly if a product’s IAC gold status changes.
  • Maintaining the Air Comfort Gold certification over time is guaranteed by annual audits of the product and production process standards. In this way, contractors can remain informed of any product variation or change in processes

Which factors led to FILA Solutions’ success?

There is more to Indoor Air Comfort Gold certification than a one-time test. To remain compliant international VOC protocols, our facilities will be regularly re-tested, re-audited and re-certified.

What are the certified FILA products?

FILA’s R&D department worked tirelessly to ensure that these products were produced greenly:

How does Indoor Air Comfort Gold work?

A Gold Indoor Air Comfort label guarantees that products comply with both mandatory and voluntary national and international protocols, as well as the most stringent requirements of recent environmental sustainability systems like LEED and BREEAM. WELL, SKA, and HQE. It’s also proof that VOC levels are lower than those required for BREEAM or any other ranking system.

Guarantees that back great products

Find out more about FILA’s Indoor Air Comfort Gold products. When it comes to construction projects, investing in great surface care solutions is a wise decision to make.

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