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Home> Amber Underfloor Heating <Why electric underfloor heating is the future

Why electric underfloor heating is the future

The demand for electric underfloor heating is booming, says Amber Underfloor Heating.

Although some buildings in the UK use a gas boiler and conventional radiators for heating, the company suggests more and more homeowners, developers and tradespeople are making the switch to electricity.

While electric heating solutions come in different forms, people are largely turning to electric underfloor heating as what’s described as an efficient, cost-effective and easy-to-use alternative to gas.

The company says it’s already experienced this rising demand, suggesting the energy-saving and economical systems have the potential to become “the future of heating”.

There are many reasons for the increase in demand, Amber says, not least the regulatory changes the UK government is making as it looks to the future with Net Zero targets.

As part of the government’s efforts to achieve Net Zero by 2050, Part L Building Regulations have been updated. All new homes must now produce 31% less carbon emissions and further reductions are expected when the Future Homes Standard is introduced in 2025.

This means new build developments are now required to use more sustainable and energy efficient heating. Increasingly, these solutions are taking the form of electric underfloor heating.

Electric underfloor heating systems use electrical heating elements which are installed beneath the floor. Connected to the main electricity supply, they evenly distribute heat from the ground up and use a thermostat to control the temperature.

These systems provide consistent warmth and run at a lower temperature than conventional heating, which is known to cause cold spots. As a result, electric underfloor heating reportedly consumes less energy than heating created by gas boilers, thus producing fewer carbon emissions and making it a more environmentally friendly option.

As well as compulsory regulatory changes, there are many other reasons why homeowners, developers and tradespeople may opt for electric underfloor heating.

The systems are known for being cost effective. Once installed, Amber says, they typically cost 40% less to run than conventional radiators. Many systems also come with smart thermostats which can help further control costs.

Additionally, the systems are said to be fast to install and easy to use. Some systems can be quickly rolled out, require minimal maintenance and have simple controls.

Amber offers a range of different systems suited various projects.

For example, the AmberMat features heating cables attached to strong, self-adhesive mats, which is suitable for larger spaces. Alternatively, individual looselay heating cables are appropriate for trickier spaces, with obstacles like toilets and kitchen units.

Underfloor heating also boasts desirable aesthetic qualities, the company says, including a discreet presence that saves space in rooms by eliminating radiators. Plus, it keeps your feet warm – a luxury more and more people are looking for in their homes!

Throughout kitchen, bathroom and tile showrooms, builders’ merchants and DIY stores, electric underfloor heating is now a regular product line – driven by trade and customer demand.

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