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Home> Schluter <Schlüter KERDI-BOARD offers "versatile,lightweight and waterproof" tile backerboard option

Schlüter KERDI-BOARD offers “versatile,lightweight and waterproof” tile backerboard option

As one of the most versatile and widely specified products from Schlüter-Systems, the company says, Schluter-KERDI-BOARD finds applications for both retrofit and new-build installations, with different thicknesses of the extruded polystyrene (XPS) panel providing what the company describes as a stable and waterproof substrate for natural stone and ceramic tiling.

The panels are available in thicknesses of 5, 9, 12.5, 19, 28, 38 and 50mm and can be installed across existing masonry, concrete, timber stud frames or lightweight metal framing, with panels featuring parallel grooves also available for creating rounded surfaces, such as for seating or curved walls. With all thicknesses available in 1.25 or 2.6m lengths, both 62.5cm wide, KERDI-BOARD is frequently used to create work-surfaces, breakfast bars, islands and vanities.

A guide can be downloaded from the Schlüter-Systems website which can assist both specifiers and tradespeople in picking the right panel for an application. For instance, 12.5mm is the minimum thickness recommended for use where a stud frame is constructed to 400mm centres. The largest three thicknesses should be considered for construction purposes, while there are also special L-shaped and U-shaped panels for use as pipe boxing, and prefabricated niches in different sizes – with or without lighting – to create storage within walls.

Both sides of the panels offer a waterproof, cement-free reinforcement layer, which is aimed to offer an ideal surface for standard tile adhesive, either fully embedded or using the dot and dab method. Printed lines are included to aid accurate cutting using a utility knife or power tools.
KERDI-BOARD is also BBA certified.
01530 813396

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